The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, St. Brigid Division #36, was formed in 1959 when the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Ladies Auxilliary, became a separate organization at the national level. We have approximately 170 members and meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre at 19 Temple St., in Worcester, MA.
Theresa Trainor, President, LAOH Div. 36
LAOH Div 36 Worcester Officers (2025)
President – Beth Doyle
Vice President – Ann Marie McNamara
Recording Secretary – Ellen Orczyic
Treasurer – Linda Mulhearn
Historian – Kathy Hair
Missions and Charities – Mary Belsito
Catholic Action – Beverly Hester
Mistress at Arms – RoxAnn Gusar
Sentinel – MariAnn Paldino