In Honor of St. Patrick the glorious apostle of Ireland, St. Brigid and St. Columbkille, the patrons of our Divisions, we the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 36, Worcester, MA, grieving the loss of our departed Brother, Sister or Family Member.
We offer our prayers for the happy repose of their soul and our condolences to their family and friends. We trust in their Eternal Reward, happy in the consolation of the Faith of our Ancestors of Old. We believe we shall meet again beyond the vale of tears, when we shall join together in Heaven, the Tir Na Nog, the place of blessed, through the promise in faith, given by Jesus Christ our Risen Lord.
Grant O Lord your mercy to your faithful departed, may your loving mercy make them a companion of the Saints and Holy Angels in Heaven. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Risen Lord. Amen
Eternal rest grant them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace of the risen Lord. Amen
Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall softly upon your fields. And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Tom Morrison
Brian Donahue, Brother of Erin Zamarro
Kathleen Grady, Sister of Kevin Grady
Deacon Myles “Ray” Hayes
Pamela Gray, Sister of Linda Mulhearn and Anne Marie Smith
Francis R. Carroll
Teresita Durkan, Sister of Kevin Durkan and Aunt of Kaleigh Costa
Seamus Flynn, Brother of Ellen Orczyk
Jean Krylowicz, Sister-In-Law of Toni Duclos
William Allen, Brother of Beth Keenan
Tom Haynes, Husband of Marie Haynes
Emilia (Emi) Carrigan, Mother of John Carrigan
Michaleen O’Connell, Daughter-In-Law of Patrick O’Connell
Lorraine Laurie
Gerald Grady, Brother of Kevin Grady
Father Walter Riley
Patricia Sabatalo
Dottie Doyle
Patrick Gowaski, Father-In-Law of Sheila Gowaski
Elizabeth C. (Betty) Paulsen, Mother of Robert Paulsen
Kathy Torrey, Wife of Dave Torrey & Mother of Matthew Torrey
Pat Coyne, Aunt of John Elie
William G. O’Rourke
Francis Stephen Harvey, Jr.
Kathleen Sargent, Mother of Ralph “Bud” Sargent, Jr.
Michael M. Cahill
Brendan Lynch, Brother of Eilyana Verdini, Brother-In-Law of Paul Verdini
Kathleen Loftus, Wife of Bill Loftus
Tommy Trainor, Brother of Theresa Trainor, Ellen Trainor and Cathy Hinson
William V. “Billy” Brennan
Judith E. Griffin, Mother-In-Law of Bill Fay
Br. Christopher O’Brien, O.C.S.O.
David P. Hanlon
John Belton, Brother of Steve Belton
Phil Dodge
Margaret T. Martin, Sister of Bob Harrington
Michael J. Browne, Brother of Jim Browne
Kathy Morrissey Brosnihan
Catherine M. Murray, Mother of Tim Murray
Jim Hines, Husband of Mary G. Hines, Brother of Mary M. Hines & Rita Scully
Joseph M. Foley, Sr.
Daniel Morrissey
Thomas Palmer, Brother of Chris Palmer
Margaret (Peg) Bloomfield
Nancy Hardiman
Edmond J. Kelly, Jr.
Joanne Murphy
Arthur Elie, Brother of Patricia Coyne, Uncle of Carol, John and Jim Elie
Steve Gray, Husband of Pam Gray, Brother-In-Law of Linda Mulhearn and Anne Marie Smith
Helen E. Mooney
William J. Veideman, Brother-In-Law of Sheila Veideman
Gina Marie Franchi, Niece Of Deacon John Franchi and his wife Nancy
Alice Britt, Mother of Maureen Connors
Alice Henry
Dorothy E. Curry, Sister of Gerry Degnan
Jose Ramos, Son-In-Law of Leo Quinn
Donald Tangney
Irene Gleason, Wife of Bob Gleason
Mary Dziczk
Margaret “Peggy” Sokolowski
Kathleen Rivard
James Michael Burke, Brother of Richard P. Burke
Roland Orczyk, Brother-In-Law of Ellen Orczyk
Louis Naples, Brother-In-Law of Judy Burke
Sharon Charboneau, Niece of Mary Erickson
Thomas F. Holden
Rev. Dennis Timothy O’Mara
Paul “Pete” Belsito, Brother of Mary Belsito
Zoe Crouse, Niece of Stacey Clark
Nicole Kalagher, Daughter of Catherine Gengel
Don Rubie, Father of Donna Harrington
Vincent Murphy, Husband of Rosemary (Hanrahan) Murphy
John Patrick McGinn Sr.
Timothy Lynch, Brother of Eilyana Verdini
Daniel J. Moynihan
Patrick Sullivan
Stanley Dziczek, Brother of Mary Dziczek
Anna Naum, Mother of Janet Shea
Joan Hickey
Mary Niedzialkoski
John Quinlivan, Son of Kay Quinlivan
Rita Murphy, Mother of Joanne Murphy and Cathy Murphy Sweet
Marge Royka
Dennis Herlihy, Son of Joan and the late Dan Herlihy
Dennis Rantala, Husband of Jane Rantala
Susan Erickson, Daughter-In-Law of Mary Erickson
Joseph Sabatalo, Brother-In-Law of Pat Sabatalo
William A. Leary Jr.
Ellen Bergstrom, Sister of James Browne, Jr. & Catherine LaRiviere
Carol Doyle, Wife of Richard “Pat” Doyle
Cecelia O’Brien
John F. Reilly
Marie Donohue
Emma Marie Baker, Daughter of Elizabeth (Donohue) Baker
Brendan Michael Baker, Son of Elizabeth (Donohue) Baker
Phillip J. Powers
Nora Reilly
Mary Shliapa
Martin Shannon
Helen Foley
Elizabeth M Doyle